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柚木提娜番号 Titanic《泰坦尼克号》精讲之六[1] - vvvv88


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柚木提娜番号 Titanic《泰坦尼克号》精讲之六[1]

发布日期:2024-09-26 05:08    点击次数:142




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Waiter: Care for a drink, sir?

Seaman: Please put your lifebelts on.

Molly: Sonny, what's doing? You got us all trussed up here and now we're cooling our heels.

Sonny: Sorry, ma'am. Let me go find out.

Molly: I don't think anybody knows what the hell's going on around here.

Cal: It's just the goddamned English, doing everything by the book.

Mother: There's no need for language, Mr. Hockley. Go back and turn the heaters on in our rooms. I'd like a cup of tea when I return.

Waitress: Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.

Rose: Mr. Andrews. I saw the iceberg. And I see it in your eyes. Please tell me the truth.

Andrews: The ship will sink.

Rose: You're certain?

Andrews: Yes. In an hour or so... all this will be at the bottom of the Atlantic.

Cal: What?

Andrews: Please, tell only who you must. I don't want to be responsible for a panic. And get to a boat. Quickly. Don't wait. You remember what I told you about the boats?

Rose: Yes. I understand.

Seaman: Yes, madam, please put it on immediately. Over here, son. Sir, they need you up at the second-class purser's office. There's a big mob up there.

Mr. Lovejoy: Go on. I'll keep an eye on him.

Seaman: Aye. Right.

Bride: Sir! Carpathia says they're making 17 knots. Full steam for them, sir.

Captain: She's the only one who's responding?

Bride: The only one close, sir. Says they can be here in four hours.

Captain: Four hours! Thank you, Bride. My God.

趣话佳句 活学活用

1. care for a drink?: 要不要来杯酒?

care for在这里暗示心爱,举例:Do you care for pop music?(你心爱流行音乐吗?)

2. by the book: 依法职业,依照老例

He's always careful to do things by the book.(他老是提神翼翼地按规定职业。)

3. second-class: 二等舱

4. purser: (客轮、班机等的)事务长,乘务长

5. mob: 暴民,乌合之众

The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs.(观察濒临着一群投掷砖块和汽油弹的暴民。)


6. keep an eye on: 照应,寄望,密切瞩目

Would you keep an eye on my baby for a while?(请你照应一下我的婴儿好吗?)

7.knot: (海)节;海里

8. full steam: 全速赶来



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